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Do you fancy a gremolata pizza? This recipe is my twist on that classic. The herbaceousness of chimichurri, mixed with savory prosciutto and sweet Grand Marnier Fig Preserves, results in a perfectly balanced pizza, delicious and unique.
I start with Tony Gemignani’s Master Dough. You can find this recipe in the Pizza Bible. Next, I recommend investing in a pizza stone and pizza steel or splurge on an Ooni; you won’t be disappointed. Both recommendations are worth every penny and will have you making more pizza at home than calling for delivery, mark my words.
A stellar combination of savory, sweet and acidic. It's pizza perfection.
COOK TIME: 20 mins
- 8 oz pizza dough
- 1½ cup flour (semolina preferred)
- 2 oz chimichurri
- 6 oz fresh mozzarella sliced
- 1-1½ oz Grand Marnier Fig Preserves
- 4-6 thin slices of prosciutto can be substituted with bresaola
- Pour the flour onto a plate.
- Place the dough ball onto the flour, flip and flour the other side and then stretch out pizza dough to a 13"-14" circle.
- Place the round dough on a lightly floured pizza peel.
- Using a spoon, evenly spread chimichurri around the pizza dough, leaving an inch of space from the edge.
- Evenly space the mozzarella, staying within the chimichurri circle and an inch away from the edge.
- Add small dollops of the Grand Marnier Fig Preserves using a spoon, evenly spacing them out.
If using an Ooni:
- Preheat the Ooni on the high-temperature setting for at least 15-20 minutes.
- Once the Ooni has preheated, lower the temperature setting by using a slow-bake hack. Push the dial in, as if you're going to turn off the oven, and set the dial to 11:00. You'll notice the flame lower significantly. **See video below for tutorial.**
- Using a pizza peel, launch the pizza into the Ooni using a jerky sliding movement.
- Turn the pizza 45 degrees every 45 seconds-1 minute using a turning pizza peel. You'll know to turn the pizza once the side closest to the flame is golden and the cheese and toppings are melted and caramelized.
- The pizza will be fully cooked in 3-4 minutes.
- Use a pizza peel to pull the pizza from the Ooni.
- Add the slices of prosciutto on top of the pizza and cut with a pizza cutter into 4-6 pieces.
If using an Oven:
- Place the pizza stone on the middle rack and the pizza steel on the bottom rack.
- Preheat the oven to 550 degrees for 1 hour.
- Using a pizza peel, launch the pizza onto the pizza stone in the oven using a jerky sliding movement.
- Cook the pizza for 5-6 minutes.
- Once the pizza is puffed up, using the pizza peel, transfer the pizza to the pizza steel on the bottom rack, rotating the pizza 180 degrees.
- Cook the pizza for 5-6 minutes.
- Pull the pizza when it has reached your preferred level of doneness. Whether you prefer a golden crust or a charred crust, you're looking for the top to be bubbling and caramelized throughout.
- Add the slices of prosciutto on top of the pizza and cut with a pizza cutter into 4-6 pieces.
- After topping the pizza dough, give the peel a little shimmy to make sure the dough isn't stuck to the peel before attempting to launch it into the oven.
- If the pizza is stuck, use a bench scraper to loosen the dough.
- If the pizza is still stuck, use a bench scraper to gently lift a side of the pizza and toss more flour underneath. Repeat all the way around until the pizza slides when you give it another shimmy.
- When using a standard oven, consider using both a pizza stone and pizza steel. The pizza stone cooks the pizza, but the pizza steel is what gives an oven-baked pizza that crispy crust that you would expect from a fired pizza oven.
- The slow-bake Ooni hack churns out a pizza with a sturdier and crispier crust. **See the video below for the tutorial.
How to include your child(ren): Chefs of all ages can help with preparing your mise en place. Your little chef(s) can use a butter knife to cut the mozzarella, while your older chef(s) can test their hand at stretching the dough. Fine-tune those fine motor skills by spreading the chimichurri and adding dollops of the fig preserves. Introduce elementary math and time perception by setting timers. Little chef(s) will familiarize themselves with numbers while also learning how long 5 minutes feels like… which to a 3-year-old will feel like forever. With adult supervision, older chef(s) can learn how to launch, turn and pull pizzas from the oven, or at least determine when they’re ready to be turned and pulled by their doneness.