Everything you desire already exists. The Quantum Field is like an Amazon warehouse of The Universe that never ends. Rows and rows of items you want that reach taller than your eye can see. Everything you can possibly imagine can be found on a shelf - the dreamy clients that want to pay your premium rates, the private jet, the sold-out event, all of it.
So, if everything we want already exists, what the hell takes it so long to come our way? The short and less complicated answer is: we create the delay. We delay our desires through: updating our orders mid-fulfillment (changing our minds and questioning what’s possible), changing your address mid-fulfillment (deciding your desire should take longer because of time). The Universe doesn’t flaunt your desires and then rip them away… you do.
What you don’t want also exists in the Amazon warehouse of The Universe - everything does. The issue you have is not the inability to place an order on what you want. The issue is you keep ordering what you don’t.
Updating your order mid-fulfillment
You decided that you wanted three dreamy clients from The Quantum Field. Perfect. Amazon is getting busy fulfilling the order right at this very moment. Suddenly, you have the strange urge to change your order. The last launch you had was only two people. Is three people too many? Crap. What if this launch is worse than the last launch you had? Then three probably won’t happen. Within seconds, you changed your order. It went from three clients to ‘it probably won’t happen’. More times than not, you place more orders of what you don’t want more often than you ask for what you do want.
The reality is, your constant thoughts of what you don’t want are equivalent to you hitting the ‘buy now' button a million and one times. We are the ones that place meaning and emotion onto things.
The Universe isn’t testing you, it’s responding to you
The Amazon of The Universe isn’t trying to see how much shit you can take before you quit. It doesn’t hold a sneaky vendetta against you.
What we are thinking consistently and what we believe to be true, places the orders on our behalf. The Quantum field doesn’t know what you want or do not want, only you do. It only knows what you are consistently calling in. It doesn’t know what is a lot or a little, only you do.
Changing your address mid-fulfillment
You also delay your delivery time by going back and forth on what you want. I can have it. No, I can’t. Yes, I can. Can I? I think? The Amazon workers of The Universe keep sliding your desire off the shelf and then back on and then off again. Talk about an epic arm workout. It’s you who is going back and forth, not The Universe.
Let’s pretend you’re looking to manifest a shiny new Audi. You’ve declared that you’ll have it within the year. You’re giddy with excitement.
The Amazon of The Universe begins lining up your delivery. And in the fulfillment process, The Universe did something you weren’t anticipating. It began to move unaligned clients out of your containers. Old clients didn’t want to resign at premium rates. The launches that filled with a solid fifty clients, now only welcomed two. You began to panic. And in the moment, you made the rearrangement mean something.
You believe the unaligned clients leaving meant that you sucked, not that The Universe was aligning and making space for you to have your desire. Then you began to doubt your ability and your panic spiral switch was flipped on. Everything felt as if it were coming undone. While, all along, everything was aligning perfectly.
Instead of trusting in the deliverance of The Universe, you change your mind. “On second thought, I’d be okay with a new bicycle.” So The Universe and all of its magical little helpers reverse your Audi out of the delivery truck and back into the warehouse. You do this over and over and over again until you decide to give up. But what if you didn’t? What if you trusted the unfolding and the aligning and unaligning. What if it was always happening for you? To deliver exactly what you want?
This, my beautiful human, is the law of attraction. This is Manifestation.
More about Melanie

Corporate Dropout Turned 7-Figure CEO
As a business strategist and digital marketing expert, I don't just specialize in making money, I help my clients make their money multiple.
I help entrepreneurs build business models that work harder than they do—leveraging passive cashflow, seamless sales systems, and social media marketing to create multiple revenue streams.