To be very clear, there is absolutely nothing wrong with slowing down a bit, resting more and even gaining a little weight as a result. Yes, I know this might be shocking coming from a healthcare professional, but I think it is important to dispel the myth that weight gain always equates to worsening health. It doesn’t and as a matter of fact, our bodies are supposed to fluctuate over the course of our lives and these fluctuations are often seen through the changing seasons.
Having said that though, prolonged decreased physical activity can lead to worsened mobility and cooler temperatures might mean stiffer muscles and joints. These things can be problematic for all of us, especially as we age. So, if you’re interested in finding sustainable ways to stay active during the cold, winter months, you’re in the right place. So, let’s get into it.
First and foremost, if you can brave the weather (or if it’s mild where you live), nothing beats getting out into nature. Outdoor walking or jogging, hiking and biking are still great activities, even when it’s cold out. Just be sure you have the proper gear for your climate and safety items to keep you visible in case you find yourself out when it’s dark.
Other great options for remaining active in the winter months might include:
Joining a group fitness class
Comradery and accountability go a long way when you pay for something, especially if you really enjoy the activity (dancing, aerobics, kickboxing, etc.) and you do it with people you enjoy being around.
Participating in a movement challenge
Either with a group of friends or in the workplace. Activities like walking, running, squatting, planking or lunging are great for group challenges. Get stronger and introduce some fun, friendly competition. I think it’s important to note here that I would strongly discourage challenges involving weight loss. Research has shown that those don’t encourage long lasting healthy habits and might even negatively impact health in the long term.
Picking up an old (or new) hobby or sport
There are lots of indoor activities that require movement and can therefore, be a part of your winter activity lineup. Things like skating, basketball, tennis or racquetball, ballroom dancing and more. Exercise really should be something that you enjoy, so identifying hobbies or sports that you are fond of can be a great way to get in more movement this winter.
Subscribe to an online fitness app
There are so many apps that can be accessed on a smart TV, computer or phone to give you instant access to a challenging workout or fitness program. Prices can vary but may be as little as $10/month. The added perk is you never have to leave the comfort of your warm home to get in a good workout.
Make exercise nontraditional
Staying active may not mean getting in a sweaty gym workout every day and that is okay. Being more active is beneficial to your overall health whether you do it in long, structured classes or short bouts of movement throughout your day. Consider walking your stairs more often, doing ten squats every time you go to the bathroom, parking farther away from your destination, doing push-ups in between episodes of your favorite TV shows and spending a few minutes each day stretching your entire body. This list is not all-inclusive, you can come up with tons of ways to move more throughout the day without impacting your busy schedule.
Staying active has so many benefits to mental and physical health, including improving quality of life. Making time for more movement this winter and all year round is worth the effort and energy. Just remember to be kind to yourself, prioritize rest and find activities that bring you a little joy and sunshine. We can never get enough of that this time of year.
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